Big Picture Event Storming in 3 minutes

3 minute read

Let’s take a Big Picture of the Big Picture Event Storming! Here is a summary of everything we wrote about this Event Storming, plus references to go deeper.

Drawing of an Event Storming design board that morphes in 3 arrows. It represents what can be done after a Big Picture Event Storming workshop.

This post summarizes the key takeaways of all our previous posts on Big Picture Event Storming. It also contains references about what to do after Big Picture Event Storming!

Why would you want to run a Big Picture Event Storming

We first discussed Why would you want to run a Big-Picture event storming? We saw that Event Storming is a middle path between Big Up-Front Design and 100% Emergent Design. When facing a software architecture challenge, evaluate the following affirmations:

  1. The architecture is not obvious
  2. The people have the skills to tackle the challenge
  3. Your progress has stalled despite following the usual successful methods

Event Storming is the way to go if all these affirmations are true!

Making the workshop successful

Picture of wooden steps in the tropical forest. Tackling complexity and running a long workshop such as Event Storming can be quite daunting from the outside. Step by Step facilitation instructions will make this smooth!

We then looked at how to make the event a success. Preparation and facilitation are essential to successful Event Storming.

Effective facilitation tips to engage participants in the workshop are proposed for each step.

Functional Architecture

One of the main outputs of Big Picture Event Storming is to identify the Bounded Contexts (Domain Driven Design for functional areas). This Context Map (Domain Driven Design for functional architecture) is a cornerstone for optimizing technical investments and having teams collaborate effectively.

Dealing with Legacy Code

Photo of an abandonned factory, that is tagged and getting invaded by vegetation. This is a pretty vivid representation of some legacy code.

In Read this before applying Big Picture Event Storming to Legacy Systems, we advise against Event Storming your legacy. Legacy systems usually don’t map to the domain and do not yield to the exercise. Instead, Event Storm your vision with these three tips in mind:

  • A longer brief is needed to convey some extra background associated with the Legacy System
  • Acknowledge and visualize developers’ stress generated by the gap between the unveiling vision and the existing legacy systems.
  • You will need to adapt the schedule even more than usual as the legacy system will surprise you with unexpected challenges.

Further Steps

At the end of Event Storming, you have all the problems and domain knowledge fresh in everyone’s mind. It’s a unique opportunity to tackle mind-numbing complex issues. Here are some pointers for follow-up activities:

Photo of a woman standing at the top of a mountain, watching over a cliff at the mountains on the other side of the valley. Like this hiker, as participants reach the end of the Big Picture Event Storming, a whole new world of possibilities open to them!

There are also other workshops that you can run after Big Picture Event Storming:

  • Discover how to collaboratively plan your software delivery to maximize its impact with Impact Mapping
  • Organize your delivery with User Story Mapping
  • Map your ideal team organization with Teams Topologies mapping
  • Get a 360 degrees view of a bounded context with the Bounded Context Canvas
  • Apply finer grain Domain-Driven Design on a core context with Design-Level Event Storming

Design-Level Event Storming

Here you are: you’ve drawn your context map and identified your core contexts. How do you maximize and secure your technical investment in these? It turns out that this is what Domain Driven Design was created for! Guess what: Event Storming has more to offer! Let’s see how to use Design-Level Event Storming to move one step closer to code in a core context. Read on!

This blog post is part of the 1h Event Storming book that we are currently writing.

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